Karthik M

Karthik M

I am a Blogger & Content writer since 2015. I have 6 years of experience in this Blogging Industry. I am glad to help you if you have any doubts regarding your Career prospects.

Study Guide to Azure Data Fundamentals DP 900

Azure DP-900 Exam Study Guide

The most in-demand skills in the IT sector have undergone a significant change. The demand for expertise in data science, cloud services, and data analysis has increased significantly. Knowing how to utilise cloud platforms, especially Microsoft Azure, can assist you…

The Fears of Divorce and How to Face Them

Fear of Divorce & How to face them

What were your initial thoughts on the news of another split? Yes, there will be a third installment. During the divorce process, society was concerned about the “domino effect.” In both the passport and the civil code, this is stated.…