Difference between Plant Cell and Animal Cell
Plant Cell | Animal Cell |
The plant celll possesses a rigid cell wall generally made up of cellulose | The cell wall is absent in animal cell |
Usually Larger in size | Comparitively Smaller in size |
Mitochondria are comparitively fewer | Mitochondria are generally more |
Plastids are found in Plant cells | Plastids are usually absent |
The photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll is present | Chlorophyll is absent |
A mature plant cell contains a central vacuole | An animal cell often possesses many small vacuoles |
Cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm) occurs by cell plate method | Cytokinesis occurs by constriction |
Glyoxysomes may be present | Glyoxysomes are absent |
Cytoskeleton does not contain intermediate fibres | Cytoskeleton contain intermediate fibres |
Spindel formed during nuclear division is anastral | Spindel formed during nuclear division is amphiastral |
Reserve food is generalyy starch and fat | Reserve food is usually glycogen and fat |
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