Download Rojgar with Ankit Math book in PDF for Free
I know what you guys searching for. Do not worry, you will get the Book that you need!. I am Karthik, a solopreneur who single-handedly maintain this blog by adding value to our viewers by providing content they are looking for. Download Rojgar with Ankit Math book in pdf for free best for Hindi medium students who are preparing for Competitive exams like RRB, SSC and other general competitions.
About Rojgar with Ankit Maths Book:
Rojgar with Ankit Math book is the best book for preparation for competitive exams. It is written by Ankit Bhati. The book has 23 chapters. The book is very useful for preparation of competitive exams. We are providing you Rojgar with Ankit Math book Pdf free of cost.
- Number System
- Classification of Numbers
- Decimals
- Simplifications
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Questions based on Numbers
- Surds and Indices
- Age
- Average
- Percentage
- Profit and Loss
- Ratio & Proportion
- Partnership
- Compound Proportion
- Time and Work
- Pipes and Cisterns
- Time and Distance
- Train
- Boat and Stream
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
- Alligation and Mixture
Rojgar Arithmetic Book is a book on exam preparation that is available in the most popular formats, PDF and Paperback. This book is published by Ankit Bhati & Chetan Sharma. It is a unique book that comprehensively covers the entire syllabus of the exam. This book is written by Ankit Math, one of the most experienced and skilled teachers in the industry.
Book Details:-
Book Name: | Rojgar with Ankit Math Book |
Author/Publisher: | Ankit Bhati, Chetan Sharma |
Language: | English |
No of Pages: | 454 Pages |
File Type: | PDF (Downloadable) |
PDF Size: | 69 MB |
We provide Scanned copy of this book in the pdf format. It is for reference purpose only. If you like the content in the book, please buy the book from the Book store or via online.
My Personal Review:-
Rojgar with Ankit Maths Book has come up with very deep and informative content. This Book is best to understand the concepts in your own regional language Hindi. Hindi students must download this Pdf and get used to it and prepare for the upcoming exams.
For me, this book is a gold mine to learn Maths for Competitive exams as it has all types of questions that are likely to be asked in the exams. It answered the tough questions in an easy and understandable way. I like the shortcuts they have used to solve some difficult questions.
What the Book Teaches you?
This Book teaches you the Quantitative Aptitude section which plays a deciding factor in many competitive exams. Solving Quantitative Aptitude questions in a given period of time is not an easy task. You need to practice more to do it within a time. Just practice and keep practising until the last day of the exam to improve your speed.
Pros and Cons from the Book:-
- Some of its questions are asked in my Job interviews and it helped me a lot to get placed in TCS
- The latest Questions with solutions are included so you can buy them without any doubt
- Fabulous Book for Quantitative Aptitude section which covers all questions asked in recent exams and answers for each question are elaborated.
- Probably The Best Maths book in the Market for Hindi Medium
- Spelling errors are frequently seen in this Book
- Chapterwise questions are not included for practice
- Only best for Hindi Medium Students. For English Medium, There are other best books out there in the market. Buy Arihant Books, R.S. Agarwal Books and so on to get a better result.
My Final Opinion:-
Those who want to buy Maths Book in Hindi can give this book a try. It is worthy of its price and you will not regret it once you read this book. Authors put their lifetime effort and knowledge to make this book exemplary and I will tell this Book is a Masterpiece.
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